Strawberry Info
Lunchtime fun. Ed and Eddie?Here are 5 Arduinos with 5 Arduino Temperature Project Kits and 5 Arduino LED Project Kits.
Here is our data from the miniature greenhouse growing cucumbers.
We broke out the juice! We have POWER! We just have to make sure the extention cord is set up correctly. It should look like this:
Now that we have power, we can use the Dremel Tool!
Jesus used the Dremel Tool to make this!
4 4 of our planter boxes are done. Here is number 4 getting finished up.
We have Snow Peas!
We are building another planter box
"Steve" did a great cut, one of the best we've seen on a 4x4.
He did it "right", not "wrong".
This minecraft character did a right cut also!
We put together a better data collection station for our miniature greenhouse, featuring a custom-built computer station with sun protection for the tablet.
The second station is getting built as well.
Tuesday Miniature Greenhouse Data
Upcoming Event
Monday's Miniature Greenhouse data
Fidget spinners are VERY popular!
Check out this article.