Monday, March 6, 2017

C Train Storage Project Phase 1

We start the plans with talking, then make a sketch. Then we make our dreams come true in real life.
The original plans, with ideas from Mr. Howard

Zach made these stud ends in welding class. They are rock-solid!

Our first sketches turned out to be just a fantasy. They looked like this:

Plan for Safety Glasses Rack


West Wall Shelf Plan

In Progress:

The next step is to put in the pegboards.
Mr. Guerra gave us pegboards to use to build our custom tool shed

Brandon and I measured the studs and drew up plans for the first panel.

Brandon measured and marked up the pegboards

Can you tell where the pegboard is going to go?

1 comment:

  1. I think drawing up plans before starting the work was a good idea, I cant wait to see what it looks like completed.
